Tuesday 1 November 2016

Life Drawing 4

This week in life drawing we had a female model so it was nice to see how the figures differentiate from each other. At the beginning I needed to loosen up a bit so we started with some quick figure drawings. After loosening up we had to choose a coloured chalk but no one that is similar to the paper so I chose this nice orange. 

 Charcoal, white and orange chalk

I think this piece is my favourite life drawings that I have done as I like how the orange chalk has become the mid tone and contrasts with the black and white. I think that I need to work a bit more on the hands and practice them in my sketchbook, as I find it hard to keep the proportions. 

Charcoal Pose

With this 10 minute pose, the proportions are not quite right, I find that the spine is not quite in the right place or the centre of gravity. I could of done it much better I think next time. I think what I need to do is step back from the canvas and look at my work as I am more likely to spot the mistakes.

Sitting Pose

We had time for one more life drawing, as before the face that I drew made the drawing worse in my opinion so I went for a simple look. I started incorporating the orange chalk into the figure, however I did not have time. On the other hand the proportions are looking much better then my previous drawings.

This was the last life drawing session, I have enjoyed it a lot but found it difficult with the proportions of the figure. I also want to learn eventually how to draw without reference therefore I am going to keep on practicing my figure drawings.

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