Monday 10 October 2016

Falling Balloons and Heavy Ball Stop Motion Week 2

This week we had to animate a plasticine blood falling and then bouncing on the ground. I started by drawing a line of what I thought was going to be the path of the balloon. However drawing the fairings was really difficult to judge as I couldn't quite imagine the timings of a balloon falling because of how lightweight it is. This was my result:

Balloon Stop Motion

I am not too happy with it, as the timing is completely wrong, therefore I am planning to re do this later on when my skills have developed a bit better. Looking at others more realistic stop motion balloons I have figured where I have gone wrong; I need to have tighter fairings that the corners of the path so that it is slower when it falls.

The other stop motion task we got set was a heavy ball that is dropped from a height, this I found was easier then the previous task:

Heavy Ball Falling

I think I have got the timings much better in this one, you can tell that it is heavy by the little bounce that it does when it makes contact with the ground. Also I made sure the fairings where large when it is dropped so that it hits the ground quickly. I think I need to practice more on my timing with stop motion as they need to be more realistic in order for it to be animated well.

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