Monday 3 October 2016

TV Paint Bouncing Ball in a 3D room

In our first tutorial on how to use TV Paint, we had to simply animate a 2D bouncing ball. We had to draw this frame by frame so that we could begin to understand how the software works. At first it was  difficult to take everything in at once and getting to know the interface. After overcoming some errors  I was able to grasp the programme more easily and understand it better.

We got set the task to trying to draw on TV paint a ball bouncing around the room. We got given this video as a reference:

I found it quite difficult to keep up with the fast pace of the video, however I decided to copy it step by step so that I knew exactly how to create a realistic animation of a ball bouncing around the room.
This took me one hour and a bit, however once I got the hang with how the software work it was much smoother. This is the finished project that I had done:

However the brief does say not to copy the video step by step, also not to stretch the ball so keep it round. The reason why I decided to copy it was to just understand how the program works and learn how to use the shadow. I was planning to copy the video, and then produce my own 3D room with a more circular room. This was more like a practice run so that I can understand the physics of how a ball bounces within a 3D environment.

After reading the brief and realising that I needed to go over it again but not including the squash and stretch and make it look less there the example video. I drew my own visual 3D room and tried to draw frame by frame the motion of a ball bouncing against the walls of the room. This was quite hard to visualise as I was trying to get the framing right that as it bounces off the walls the ball would be travelling faster which means shorter frames. As it decelerates the frames would be longer to show that it is slowing down.

Overall I am enjoying getting to know how TV Paint works and look forward to developing my skills within 2D animation.

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