Tuesday 4 October 2016

Life Drawing 2

This week we went back to life drawing with a male model. I have not don't life drawing with a model in a while so it was nice to get back in the routine of doing it. Once again we did various exercises to help develop our figure drawings. I really enjoyed this session as I believe I have produced some nice drawings.
Dynamic Poses with Sport Bat / Racket

More Detailed Life Drawing

Life Drawing 
Where every 2 minutes we would stop and pass onto the left persons drawing and work on theirs and repeat this several times. This ends up with a drawing composed from lots of different people and it ended up with something that I would have no idea that it would look like that. I really like this activity and it was quite a fun exercise.
Black and White Drawing
We got given white chalk and black charcoal and had to do a long half an hour life drawing. I found that it was quite difficult to find the light places in the body and then translating this into black and white in my drawing.
Blind drawing
This is a drawing where we had to only look at the male model and then draw without looking at the paper. We had to do this for five minutes which I found too long as I had finished mine really early. I am happy with how this turned out though cause it does vaguely the model as well.

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