Tuesday 18 October 2016

Life Drawing 3

This week we had a different male model for life drawing. To start the session we did 2 minute poses which were dynamic but very quick so we can briefly get the outline but still have the arcs of movement. We then did 5 minute poses with the model holding an umbrella. I like this one because the three drawings side by side make it look like an animation in itself.
After we got to use brown paper which was a nice change, with the paper we had to use different coloured chalk as well these had to be light tones such as whites, yellows blues which would contrast with the black chalk. We got give 30 minutes for this one. I found it quite difficult to get the proportions correct as looking back I can see the arm is slightly forward from where it is meant to be and the face is a little inaccurate. However I was more focusing on the colours and the light/dark areas of the skin.
Brown Paper Exercise

Moreover we then were asked to draw the model using negative space, I had never done this before so this was very new to me. If you get the shapes of the negative space correct then is it suppose to make your drawing's proportions more accurate. I was quite happy with how mine turned out. After we did another quick dynamic pose with a tennis racket. I have noticed in both the heads are a little too small.

Finally to end the session we did another dramatic pose on black paper with white chalk. I was more happy with how this weeks piece has turned out compared to last wee. I think I have given good muscle definition with the white toning of the skin. I was unhappy with the hand as I pt too much black in it so I was trying to correct it but in the end it just kept making it worse so I left it. Overall this is my favourite drawing that I have done in todays session.
Black and White life drawing

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