Monday 17 October 2016

Head Turn - TV Paint Week 4

This week we were asked to animate a head turning. After the animation principles lecture, I need to take into account overlapping and follow through. I also knew that when you turn your head it doesn't turn in a straight line, the nose moves in the pathway of an arc. 

After watching AMB Animation Academy's Video it inspired me to create a girl turning her head because I want to animate her hair so that it had the overlapping and follow through action. This was my result:
Head Turn Animation

This head turn took me longer than I expected, I first sketched the face on lots of frames so that I get a smoother head turn. I still feel at places the head turn needs to be smoother but it just took me so long. Next time I would also colour it in more properly rather then just colouring the hair and shirt. I am pleased with the final result as I found it really difficult keeping everything in proportion as sometimes it looked like the face shape had changed or the nose had and therefore there was no consistency. I really enjoyed using the cintique to get a more accurate line drawing, I felt this was easier to use then my normal tablet. 

The hair's overlapping and follow through was a bit of a problem for me because I feel like more frames are need to get the swing of the hair to be more accurate. This is because it ends very suddenly and doesn't quite have the same natural element as our hair has. I know this for the future now when I come to animate hand drawn characters. Overall I have learnt that you must animate in arcs, and that hand drawn animation is very time consuming but the results are rewarding.

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